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Adell i Pitarch, Joan Elies


Maybe now that there’s no hurry you need
more than ever these words that afford you
the only salvation possible: expelling yourself
from a paradise that never really existed.
Like a poorly shut window, nevertheless,
a furtive smell always ends up creeping in,
the notes of a chord you know will soon
begin to fade from your brain, but it hurts
as it hurts the stranded survivor every wave
that drenches him, even though it slowly leads him
to the shore. It’s when you notice night has taken
your side, in a perverse maneuver, and all things
speak to you, it says, but it also keeps quiet
when you surround yourself with called-for solitude.
You feel like a bus entirely operated
under water. He knows it’s the diving suit
that enables him to breathe, to a certain extent freely,
and he requires a weight belt that make him sink
to enjoy a privileged view. As you also know,
you don’t need to surface since forget is one
of those verbs that, from time to time,
you have to be able to write.